2023 Conference Speakers

  • Dr. Frank MitloehnerLivestock’s path to climate neutrality

  • François BlouinThe Habitat and Biodiversity Assessment Tool

  • Dr. H.A. (Bart) LardnerAdvancing Pasture Management to Store Carbon and Mitigate Methane Emissions

  • Ross MacDonaldGrasslands. The Gold Standard for Regeneration!

  • Dr. Brian McConkeyCanadian Perspective on Carbon in Agricultural Landscapes

  • Dr. John K. Pattison-WilliamsGrassland Inventory Approaches in North America: Canada, USA and Mexico

  • Dr. Dan UndersanderLong-term Impacts of Maintaining Perennial Forages in Rotation | Measuring and Reporting Positive Impacts for GHG

  • Ken WallThe Value and Role of Forages in Sustainable Agriculture

  • Andrew RushmereFarmers and ranchers are part of the GHG solution: Farmer-led, science-backed, fully costed climate solutions bring federal investment to the ag. sector

  • Lauchlan (Lauch) FraserRangeland management in British Columbia

  • Dr. Brooke McWherterBMP adoption: Developing metrics for assessment

  • Ronnie DreverSenior Conservation Scientist Protect, manage and then restore: A hierarchy for implementation of natural climate solutions

  • Aaron GoertzenCanadian economic outlook: what now, what next?

  • Ryder LeeIndustry Government Forage Insurance Task Team update

  • Madeleine ArseneauFrom knowledge to adoption in living labs

CFGA Nature Fund Project

  • François BlouinWildlife Biology Consultant National Technical Lead

  • Heather Peat HammEcologist

  • Karin NewmanBotanist and Ecologist

  • Katie McLeanProgram Manager, Clean Annapolis River Project

2021 Conference Speakers

Guest speakers at the CFGA 2021 virtual conference

  • David McInnesDeveloping Canada’s 1st Agri-Food Sustainability Index/Élaboration du premier indice de durabilité agroalimentaire du Canada

  • Gabrielle BastienParticipating in the global regenerative movement / Participer au mouvement mondial de régénération

  • Valérie PoulinValbois Farms/Ferme Valbois

  • Alain BeaulieuQuality Parametres and Packages for Domestic & Export Forages/Paramètre de qualité conditionnement des fourrages destinés au marché intérieur et à l’exportation

  • Bruno LangloisForward-Thinking Pasture Management/Gestion avant-gardiste des pâturages

  • Christian DuchesneauForage U-Pick

  • Jean-Philippe LarochePlanning for Forage Needs in Milk Production/La planification des besoins en fourrage en production laitière

  • Sylvestre DelmotteFight against Climate Change in Forage Production in Quebec / Lutte contre les changements climatiques en productions fourragères au Québec

  • Nathalie CôtéQuebec Beef Producers’ Sustainability Plan/Plan de duribilité des PBQ

  • Maxime LeducPresentation of CASPP-035 and 040/Présentation des projects CASPP-035 et 040

  • Philippe SeguinTools for the Modern Forage Manager to Maximize Yield and Quality

  • Jason WellerAgriculture as a Nature-Based Solution/L’agriculture en tant que solution naturelle au changement climatique

  • Jacques NaultReducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions on the farm: Challenges and Opportunities/Réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre à la ferme : défis et opportunités

  • Damien Chaput and Michel MorinPreliminary Portrait of the Forage Industry in Quebec / Portrait préliminaire de l’industrie fourragère au Québec

  • Vincent AudetFeed Out & Bunk Management / Gestion de l’ensilage et de l’alimentation

  • Carolane NeveuModern Forage and Nutrition Management of Dairy Herds/ Gestion moderne des fourrages et de la nutrition de troupeaux laitiers

  • René LacroixData in Dairy Production: How to Use It?/Les données en production laitière : comment s’en servir?

  • Marie-Hélène AprilAct, for a Sustainable Agriculture / Agir, pour une agriculture durable

  • Robin BloomLandscape Functions of the Canadian Forage Sector / Fonctions paysagères du secteur canadien des fourrages

  • Jess VickruckThe role of Wild Bees in Canadian Grasslands

  • Karen Haugen-KozyraValuing Natural Capital in the Canadian Landscape / Solutions naturelles aux changements climatiques : Valorisation du capital naturel dans le paysage canadien

  • Denise Chang-YenShell and Grasslands Retention in Canada: A Carbon Market Perspective / Shell, le pouvoir de rétention des prairies : Perspectives pour le marché du carbone

  • Carolyn SeburnLandscape Functions of the Canadian Forage Sector / Fonctions paysagères du secteur canadien des fourrages

Advanced Grazing Systems

2022 Conference Speaker

  • Serena BlackGeneral Manager / Directrice générale, BC Forage Council

  • Steve KenyonGreener Pastures Ranching Ltd

  • Sandra NovakINRAE

  • Michael P. SchellenbergRange Science Consultant / Consultant en sciences pastorales, SODCAP

  • Carolyn MarshallEnvironment and Climate Change Manager / Gestionnaire - Environnement et Changement climatique, Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture

  • Dr. Frank MitloehnerUC Davis CLEAR Center

  • Stephen SmithALUS Farmer Liaison / Agent de liaison auprès des agriculteurs - ALUS, ALUS Canada

  • Kim SchneiderAssistant Professor in Forage and Service Crops, Department of Plant Agriculture / Professeure associée en cultures fourragères et cultures de service, Département d’agriculture végétale, University of Guelph

  • Tracey RyanApplied Research Coordinator / Coordonnatrice de la recherche appliquée, L’Association pour l’amélioration des sols et des récoltes de l’Ontario (AASRO)

  • Greg NortheyVice President, Corporate Affairs, Pulse Canada / Vice-président, Affaires corporatives, Pulse Canada

  • Karin SchmidLead, Beef Production and Extension, Alberta Beef Producers / Responsable de la production de viande bovine et de la vulgarisation, Alberta Beef Producers

  • Mae ElsingerRange and Pasture Biologist/Biologiste des parcours et des pâturages, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

  • John FitzmauriceSoil Specialist / Spécialiste des sols, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

  • Dan CoxProject Manager, Manitoba Association of Watersheds

  • Aaron GoertzenSenior Economist, BMO Capital Markets

  • Dr. Claudia Wagner-RiddleProfessor and Research Leadership Chair, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph

  • Adam ReimerOutreach and Evaluation Scientist, National Wildlife Federation

  • Ryder LeeGeneral Manager, Canadian Cattle Association

  • Anneliese WalkerGrazing Success Mentor, MaiaGrazing

  • Brian McConkeyChief Scientist, Viresco Solutions. Inc.

  • Carolyn CallaghanSenior Conservation Biologist, Canadian Wildlife Federation

  • Georges ThériaultQuebec Living Laboratory Coordinator, (Quebec) /Coordonnateur du Laboratoire vivant-Québec, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

  • Siju VargheseDirector of Global Sourcing, Al Dahra Holding

  • John KolkClosing Panel Speaker

  • Sebastien AngersClosing Panel Speaker

  • Erika FossenClosing Panel Speaker


  • Cedric MacLeodExecutive Director

  • Kaylee HealyCommunications & KTT Logistics Manager

  • Trudy Kelly ForsytheCommunications Manager

  • Emma BrooksLearning Management System Coordinator

  • Summer (Xi) LangData Management and Reporting Lead

  • Amber DyckDigital Media Coordinator

2024 Conference Speakers

  • Martin ChantignyLiving Laboratoires Initiative / Initiative des Laboratoires Vivants

  • Josh CallenCurrent Forage Export Market Conditions

  • Angie Straathoff

  • Maggie van CampFarmer, Co-Founder and Director of Strategic Change Loft32  

  • Meaghan MoreyEcologist at Blazing Star Environmental

  • Monica HadaritsDirector at Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef

  • Ralph C. MartinPerennial Forages as Key Contributors to Sustainable Agriculture

  • Tim PriorGrazing Tools, Tips and New Technologies