Site Background

About the Location

283, rue principale, St-Alphonse, Qc, G0C2V0

Ferme Bovitom, site de démonstration 

About the location:

About the Farm

Owned by Brigitte Gravelle

(first, second etc.) generation farm

history to the farm

how many head of livestock?

how long has the farm been in existence?

rotational grazing is of interest because?

why they are choosing rotational grazing now (or have they been doing it awhile)?

Where did they learn about rotational grazing?

Learning about Rotational Grazing

How did they learn about rotational grazing (previous generations, peers, workshops, mentors, online learning, etc)

The Rotational Grazing Objective

This project aims to 


Agronomic Details

Link to the site map possibly show the proposed animal movement.

Description of soil test results (soil organic matter, water infiltration etc) (if available)

Seeding occurred 

Fencing installation was completed on 

Water system installation was completed 

Project Overview

  • Why do this project 
  • What Rotational grazing system is in use 

Site description:

  • Size 
  • Fencing 
  • Water
  • ETC.

Project details: 

  • Dates 
  • Length of time of project
  • Pasture rest time (if applicable)
  • Grazing dates


  • Fencing
  • Water
  • ETC. (Anything required for project)


  • Long term 
  • Short term

What Happened

The pasture assessment and soil tests at the start of the season were...

The pasture assessment and soil tests at the end of the season were...

The animal movement was...

We estimate that the additional grazing days were...

View our stop motion or drone footage here...

What would you do different?

What worked well?

Download our 2 page report here...