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The Ontario Forage Council’s advanced grazing mentors are doing a series of pasture walks to demonstrate the elements of rotational grazing. Along with fencing demos and networking opportunities, they will offer information on water systems, carrying capacity, precision pasture management and more.


Nos autres événements

  • Mentor Training - Advanced Grazing Systems - Day 1
    CFGA/ACPF EventsFCS SupportedGrazing EventOFCAF SupportedWebinar

    Mentor Training - Advanced Grazing Systems - Day 1

    Févr 9, 2024

    9:00 AM PST - 1:00 PM PST

    Day 1 of the Advanced Grazing Systems Mentor Training. This national program supports mentors with two four-hour training sessions that cover the basics of rotational grazing and the mentorship process. NOTE: Please ensure you note the start time for your time zone.

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  • CFGA-OFCAF Grazing Plan Workshop - Eastend SK

    CFGA-OFCAF Grazing Plan Workshop - Eastend SK

    Févr 8, 2023

    10:00 AM CST - 4:00 PM CST

    Are you a producer in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan or Quebec? Did you know there is a program where you can access up to $75,000 in funding to implement rotational grazing practices on your farm? 

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  • CFGA at Ag in Motion
    CFGA/ACPF EventsFCS SupportedOFCAF SupportedPartner Events

    CFGA at Ag in Motion

    Juil 18 - 20, 2023

    8:30 AM CST - 4:30 PM CST

    The CFGA is at Ag In Motion in Langham, SK, July 18 to 20. Visit the CFGA booth (LP2) in the Livestock Pavillion, check out an Advanced Grazing System demo tour and join us for a free lunch July 18 or 20 and hear the whys and hows of grazing plans for you operation.

    Voir les détails