
François’ Bio

François Blouin grew up on a dairy farm in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. He is a wildlife consultant with a M.Sc. in Biology and has worked for over 23 years on species-at-risk management and biodiversity conservation in the Prairies. In addition to holding a position of biodiversity information manager for four and half years with the Government of Manitoba, and later participating in various field research projects on species at risk in the Prairies, he has coordinated two Alberta-based habitat stewardship programs: Operation Grassland Community (Alberta Fish and Game Association) and MULTISAR (Government of Alberta and Prairie Conservation Forum). During thattime, he worked with agricultural producers to identify species-at-risk habitats on their land and find beneficial habitat management solutions that are also compatible with their operation. François has been the main consultantin the development ofthe online Habitat and Biodiversity Assessment Tool for the Alberta Environmental Farm Plan (EFP).

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