Learn about our Research
We are here to ask for your help in better understanding the impact of the FaRM program and specifically the Advanced Rotational Grazing course on you. We would like to learn about your motivations for participating in this program, your experience with it, and any impacts this program may have on your farm operations.
After the program ends, we will also ask that you consider taking our post-program survey so we can compare how the program served your needs and what you took from it.
Lastly, since we are also interested not just in the program’s impacts now but in the long term, we will ask if you will let us follow up with you in a year to see how you are doing and if you have been able to make any changes you were interested in coming into the program. There will also be opportunities to talk to us individually or in a group with other farmers about the program if you are interested in doing that.
All of these surveys and conversations are completely voluntary and confidential. We will only use summary data in the reporting of our results, and you can read about the results if you are interested as well! We would like to thank all of you in advance who take time, especially to take our surveys, throughout the program. Survey uptake is critical to our work because the findings they allow can be transferred to other settings. I know your time is valuable, and I can assure you the information you provide will better help us and our partners understand how we can continue to improve on this program in the future and better serve your needs, as well as provide insights for others doing similar training.