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Event Details
February 9, 2024
Location: Perennia Room 214, 90 Research Drive, Bible Hill
Time: 10:30 AM – 3:30 PM 

Session Description
Please join Perennia for a Rotational Grazing and Soil Health Day featuring Steve Kenyon, Paul Manning and Caitlin McCavour. We will be discussing the economic and ecological benefits of rotational grazing. Everything from fundamentals to financials, all while focusing on soil health.  

Lunch will be provided by the Canadian Forage and Grassland Association (CFGA). 

Guest Speakers
Steve Kenyon of Greener Pastures Ranching. Rotational Grazing and Soil Health   

Steve Kenyon is a regenerative rancher and farmer who focuses on growing soil. He and his family manage Greener Pastures Ranching in Busby, Alberta, a 3000-acre ranch with 1200 yearlings in the summer, and reduced density on cut forage laid in swaths or bale grazing. Additionally, they rear pasture-raised pork. Steve is an advocate for building soil and prioritizing soil health as the foundation of their ranch. He regularly speaks about regenerative farming at conferences across Canada and writes for The Canadian Cattleman and The Stockman Grass Farmer. He is also the author of The Calendar of the Year-Round Grazier.   

Paul Manning PhD Dalhousie Faculty of Agriculture 

Paul is passionate about insects, agroecosystems, biodiversity, and their relationship and function in natural and human-modified systems. Paul and his MSc student research dung beetles, including their life cycle, feeding, function and services to ecosystems. Specifically, Paul has studied reductions in insect populations, such as dung beetles, and how this can impact the reduction of GHG emissions on livestock production. Dung beetle populations are important for tunnelling in dung pats to increase oxygen. Paul loves to discuss dung beetles and their function in Atlantic Canadian livestock systems.  

 Caitlin McCavour, MSc Perennia’s Soil Specialist 

As Perennia’s Soil Specialist, Caitlin is a resource to producers on all soil-related questions. She also works with other specialists on soil-related projects. Caitlin has a BSc in Agriculture and majored in Environmental Science (2017). Her MSc research focused on the response of acidified forests to helicopter liming, emphasizing soil and plant tissue chemistry. Through her education, she gained experience in soil chemistry, soil microbiology and nutrient management. Caitlin also has experience in the field, conducting research in agriculture, wetland ecology and forestry. 

If you are looking to attend this virtually, please reach out to Rachel Oxner at [email protected] to discuss the options.

*Registration is required for this free event
Registration deadline: February 2, 2024

This event is supported by Farmers for Climate Solutions and the FaRM program. For free access to in-depth online learning, workshops, mentorship and implementation follow-up support on cover cropping, advanced nitrogen management, and advanced grazing systems, please visit: 

Funding for this event [in part] has been provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Agricultural Climate Solutions – On-Farm Climate Action Fund. Funding for this event is also provided [in part] by Farmers for Climate Solutions. 


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