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Join Ralph Corcoran for CFGA-OFCAF grazing plan workshops.

Are you a producer in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan or Quebec? Did you know there is a program where you can access up to $75,000 in funding to implement rotational grazing practices on your farm? 

Eligible expenses include: 

- Grazing plan
- Fencing
- Water systems 
- Seed costs to improve pastures

Location: Tea Room (Eastend Memorial Hall) , Eastend, SK, February 8, 2023 - 10 AM - 4 PM

Call 306-434-9772 to register. 

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    HBAT Winter Webinars - Supporting BMP Adoption on the Landscape: ALUS

    Feb 9, 2023

    1:00 PM EST - 2:00 PM EST

    ALUS will provide an overview of their program and how their approach builds long-term BMP adoption through the community.

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  • CQPF - Provincial Member event - Lafontaine-Noel, Abitibi
    FCS SupportedMember EventsOFCAF Supported

    CQPF - Provincial Member event - Lafontaine-Noel, Abitibi

    Aug 12, 2023

    All Day

    CQPF Provincial Member event at Lafontaine-Noel, Abitibi

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  • CQPF - Provincial Member Event - Journée à foin
    FCS SupportedMember EventsOFCAF Supported

    CQPF - Provincial Member Event - Journée à foin

    Sept 19, 2023

    All Day

    CQPF Provincial Member Event. Journée à foin

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