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The BC Living Lab Cattle & Forage Project invites you to our Winter Webinar Series—Extended Grazing Practices: will they work for you? Join us each week and hear from researchers, experts, and ranchers as they share their knowledge and experience with extended grazing practices.

Webinar 3: Grazing Standing Corn

Hear about research and practical considerations for growing corn for grazing and nutrient management along with short and long-term rotation considerations from Dr. Vern Baron (AAFC). BC rancher Steven Devick will share his experience using this practice.

About the BC Living Lab

The BC Living Lab is a collaborative project being undertaken by the Investment Agriculture Foundation (IAF) in partnership with nine commodity groups from the Cariboo to the South Coast of British Columbia. Supported through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Agricultural Climate Solutions program, the BC Living Lab will be integrating scientific research into farming operations to test and co-develop practices that work for BC farmers and can contribute to climate change mitigation.

The Cattle & Forage project supports the testing, monitoring, refinement and adoption of BMPs associated with grazing season extension and winter-feeding strategies in BC’s forage and cattle sector. The participating organizations for the Cattle & Forage project are BC Cattlemen’s Association and BC Forage Council.


Our Other Events

  • CARA Grazing Club - Pollockville, AB

    CARA Grazing Club - Pollockville, AB

    Feb 28, 2023

    5:30 PM MST - 8:30 PM MST

    Chinook Applied Research Association with support from the Canadian Forage and Grassland Association will be hosting their monthly Grazing Club meeting providing an overview of the OFCAF program, eligibility, and resources available.

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  • NBSCIA 44th Annual General Assembly / AASCNB 44ème Assemblée générale
    Partner Events

    NBSCIA 44th Annual General Assembly / AASCNB 44ème Assemblée générale

    Mar 23, 2023

    11:30 AM ADT - 7:00 PM ADT

    NBSCIA 44th Annual General Assembly and Technical Workshop / AASCNB 44ème Assemblée générale annuelle et Atelier technique

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  • HBAT - Ontario Update

    HBAT - Ontario Update

    Mar 30, 2023

    1:00 PM EDT - 3:00 PM EDT